斐陶斐榮譽學會 (Honor
Society Phi Beta Kappa) 成立
biou kubernetes」這句希臘文裡每個字的字首所組成,意思是「哲學,生命的指引」。組織成員會定期集會,共同寫作、辯論、彼此聯誼。成員們也計畫要擴大組織規模。因此,他們建立了美國兄弟會 (fraternities) 與姊妹會 (sororities) 的運作與符號象徵:秘密誓言、法律規範、希臘文的訓言,以及複雜的入會儀式。當威廉及瑪麗學院因為獨立戰爭而短暫關閉的時候,哈佛大學與耶魯大學接下了斐陶斐榮譽學會的新傳統。
Organized by a group of enterprising undergraduates, Phi Beta Kappa was the nation's first Greek-letter society. Its name is formed from the initial letters of the Greek words for philosophia biou kubernetes, meaning "Philosophy, the Guide of Life." Members met regularly to write, debate, and socialize. They also planned to expand the organization. In doing so, they established the practices and symbols typical of American fraternities and sororities: an oath of secrecy, a code of laws, mottoes in Greek and Latin, and an elaborate initiation ritual. When the Revolutionary War forced William and Mary to close for a time, Harvard and Yale took over the new Phi Beta Kappa tradition.
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