

每天你是否都收到寄到你家裡的報紙呢?美國的第一份日報「賓州訊息與每日廣告」 (Pennsylvania
Packet and Daily Advertiser) 在1784年9月21日正式發行。在那之前,有許多獨立的報紙是每週或每月發行一次。美國的第一份獨立報紙「新英格蘭新聞」 (New
England Courant) 是由班哲明‧富蘭克林的哥哥在1721年所發行的。當獨立戰爭在1775年爆發後,已經有37份不同的報紙在殖民地區傳遞著不同的訊息。
Do you get a newspaper delivered to your house each day? The nation's first daily newspaper, the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, began publication on September 21, 1784. Many independent newspapers ran before that on a weekly or monthly basis. America's first independent newspaper, the New England Courant, was published by Benjamin Franklin's older brother in 1721. By the start of the Revolutionary War in 1775, there were 37 independent newspapers to keep the colonists informed.
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