愛國人士納珊‧海爾 (Nathan
Hale) 被吊死:1776年9月22日
1775年4月19日,納珊‧海爾的五個兄弟在麻州的萊欣頓 (Lexington) 與康柯 (Concord) 等地與英軍作戰。納珊在同年7月6日加入他們。從那之後,納珊迅速的晉陞為部隊裡的上尉。當英國將軍威廉‧豪威 (William
Howe) 在長島 (Long
Island) 地區開始集結部隊時,納珊正在喬治‧華盛頓將軍的部隊裡作戰。後來,華盛頓帶領他的部隊進入曼哈頓島。在哈倫高地 (Harlem
Heights) 的戰役裡,華盛頓與豪威正式交戰。於是,華盛頓徵求一位自願者到敵軍後方進行一偵察任務。海爾大步向前,自願接下這項任務。
Five of Nathan Hale's brothers fought the British at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, on April 19, 1775. Nathan joined them on July 6. From there, he quickly rose to the rank of captain in the military. He fought under General George Washington in New York, as British General William Howe began a military build-up on Long Island. Washington took his army onto Manhattan Island. At the battle of Harlem Heights, Washington, facing Howe in battle yet again, asked for a volunteer to go on a spy mission behind enemy lines. Hale stepped forward.
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