

約翰‧凱爾宏 (John
C. Calhoun) 出生
凱爾宏相信南方各州有權力保有奴隸制度。他終其一生都在為了保有奴隸制度而奮鬥,甚至到他變成一個來自南卡羅來納的老參議員,這個志向也沒改變。他反對美國向西邊擴張時所簽訂的1850年妥協方案 (Compromise
of 1850) ,因為該案限制了奴隸制度,要求廢止買賣奴隸。為了在國會前表達意見,凱爾宏準備了長達42頁的演說稿,表示他反對妥協法案的立場。當時他已經68歲了,即使他已經是一個將死的枯瘦老人,但他還是毅然走進會議廳,準備為自己的理想辯護。
Calhoun believed in the South's right to continue slavery. He fought to preserve slavery all his life, even as an old man at the very end of his career as a senator from South Carolina. He opposed the Compromise of 1850 because it limited slavery as the country expanded westward. For a gathering of Congress, Calhoun wrote a 42-page speech against the Compromise. At 68 years old, a dying man, ghost-like and bony, he walked into the meeting still prepared to fight.
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