

波士頓慘案 (Boston
英國士兵開始射擊後,第一個被射中的是一個叫做克利斯普司‧阿圖卡斯 (Crispus
Attucks) 的非裔美國水手。雖然我們不太清楚他的過去,不過阿圖卡斯大概是在1750年左右脫離奴隸身份,接下來的20年內,他都在補鯨船上工作。在波士頓慘案中喪生的四個人裡,阿圖卡斯是唯一個廣為人知的受害者,他也因此成為美國獨立戰爭中的第一個英雄。
The first person who was hit when the British soldiers began firing was an African American sailor named Crispus Attucks. Although not much is known about his past, it's likely that Attucks escaped slavery around 1750 and worked on whaling ships for the next 20 years. Of the four civilians who died in the Boston Massacre, Attucks is the only one who became widely known, and he became the first hero of the American Revolution.
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