
羅德島上的浸禮會議堂 (Baptist
Meeting House)

愛諾克‧布魯克斯 (Enoch
Brooks) 在做工精細的象形文聖經 (Hieroglyphick
Bible) 上簽名
在美國獨立革命初期,湯瑪斯的報紙「麻州間諜報」 (Massachusetts
Spy) 就報導人們親眼看見的萊欣頓與康柯戰役情況。這些報導使人們更加反對英國的統治,進而促成美國的獨立。他的報紙也讓英國政府感到憤怒。為了繼續他的工作,湯瑪斯逃到麻州的沃瑟斯特 (Worcester) 。在那裡,他創辦了「麻州雜誌」 (Massachusetts
Magazine) 。這張美麗的版畫就出現在1789年出版的某一期雜誌裡。
作為一個書籍的愛好者,湯瑪斯有大約8000本藏書。在他臨死之前,他把這些書全都捐給「美國古物學會」 (American
Antiquarian Society) 。直到今天,這個學會還保有1821年以來,在美國出版所有書籍中的三分之二多。在你的圖書館裡有多少書呢?你或你的家人有沒有這種做工精細的書呢?
During the early part of the American Revolution, Thomas's newspaper, the Massachusetts Spy, published eyewitness accounts of the battles of Lexington and Concord. These stories strengthened the popular resistance to British rule that would lead to the country's independence. His newspaper made the British authorities angry. To continue his work, Thomas fled to Worcester, Massachusetts. There he created the Massachusetts Magazine. This lovely engraving was featured in an issue in 1789.
A lover of books, Thomas had a collection of 8,000 titles, which he donated at the end of his life to the American Antiquarian Society. Today, the society has two-thirds of all the books printed in the United States up to 1821! How many books do you have in your library? Do you or your family have any "curious" books?
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