
華盛頓將軍知道擁有一支正統軍隊的重要性。 (此圖攝於幅奇谷 (Valley

在第一個會期裡,美國國會必須要制訂很多政策決定。這些首任眾議員與參議員所必須重視的重要議題之一,就是建立美國軍隊。雖然當時美國已經有了一支殖民軍隊—大陸軍 (Continental
Army) —而且也在喬治‧華盛頓將軍的帶領下,於美國革命戰爭中擊敗英國。然而,這支軍隊並不是美國的官方國家軍隊。
In its very first session, the United States Congress had a lot of decisions to make. One important topic the first representatives and senators needed to address was establishing the U.S. military. There already was a colonial army--the Continental Army--that had fought the British in the American Revolution and won under General George Washington. But this army was not the official army of the United States.
Finally, on September 29, 1789, the last day of its first session, the U.S. Congress passed an act to establish the United States military. However, this happened only after President Washington reminded them, twice!
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