約在1830年時,崔普曼又取得了印第安那州福特韋恩 (Fort
Wayne) 地區的土地。他在那裡種植了上萬棵他在其他地區販賣、交換,和種植的蘋果樹樹苗。也因為他這種愉悅慷慨的本性、對荒漠草原的熱愛、對動物的和善、對聖經的虔誠、對藥草的知識、對印地安人的友好、以及他那不尋常的外貌,難怪他會變成傳說中的人物。到現在,福特韋恩地區在每年9月蘋果收成時,還會舉辦活動來紀念並慶祝「約翰蘋果子」的一生。下一次你吃蘋果的時候,別忘了那個曾經與大家分享他因蘋果而得到之財富的強納森‧崔普曼,或者是大家熟知的「約翰‧蘋果子」。
About 1830, Chapman also acquired land in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There, he planted a nursery that produced thousands of seedling apple trees that he sold, traded, and planted elsewhere. It's no wonder he became a legendary figure with his cheerful, generous nature, his love of the wilderness, his gentleness with animals, his devotion to the Bible, his knowledge of medicinal herbs, his harmony with the Indians, and above all, his eccentric appearance. Fort Wayne still celebrates the life of "Johnny Appleseed" with a festival every September when apples are harvested. Next time you bite into an apple, think of the man who spread wealth through apples, Jonathan Chapman, better known as "Johnny Appleseed."
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