

你可能從歌曲或故事裡聽過「約翰蘋果子」的傳說:根據故事及歌謠,約翰把他的蘋果子灑在全國各地。你知道真的有「約翰‧蘋果子」這個人嗎?他的名字叫做強納森‧崔普曼 (Jonathan
Chapman) 。他於1775年9月26日在麻州出生。崔普曼之所以有這個外號,是因為當他在橫越中西部十萬平方英里的荒漠與草原時,他也同時栽種了一些果樹林,以及許多蘋果樹。他是真實的,致力於苗圃的專業者。
You've probably heard about the legendary "Johnny Appleseed" who, according to story and song, spread his apple seeds all over the nation. Did you know there really was a "Johnny Appleseed"? His name was Jonathan Chapman. Born in Massachusetts on September 26, 1775, Chapman earned his nickname because he planted small orchards and individual apple trees during his travels as he walked across 100,000 square miles of Midwestern wilderness and prairie. He was a genuine and dedicated professional nurseryman.
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