世界上有一些國家的人民並不能投票選出他們的領袖。一直到1816年,美國有9個州的公民還不能在總統選舉中投下神聖的一票。到了1845年,美國政府才將11月4日訂為統一的選舉投票日。那就是說,各州都必須在同一天進行投票,選出他們的總統。由此,如民主黨與共和黨等政黨的力量得到強化,民主程序也得到進一步的鞏固。你知道什麼是選舉人 (elector) 嗎?
In some countries around the world, the people do not get to elect their leader. As late as 1816, the citizens of nine states in the U.S. were not able to vote in presidential elections. Americans observed the first uniform Election Day on November 4, 1845. That means that all states voted, selecting their presidents on the same day. This increased the power of political parties, like the Democrats and Republicans, and strengthened the democracy of the process. What are electors?
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