

薩慕爾‧克萊門斯 (Samuel
L. Clemens) ,也就是馬克‧吐溫 (Mark
Twain) 的誕生
克萊門斯在內華達住了一段時間,他在那裡擔任維吉尼亞市報紙「領土企業報」 (Territorial
Enterprise) 的記者,並且開始使用馬克‧吐溫作為他的筆名。後來他搬到舊金山。他在那裡開始成為一個全國著名的幽默作家。他的幽默感廣為人知,而且有許多種不同的變化。
在1890年他寫了一封信給加狄納‧賀巴德 (Gardiner
G. Hubbard) ,署名給「電話的岳父」 (The
Father-in-law of the Telephone) 。在信裡,他向亞歷山大‧葛拉罕‧貝爾 (Alexander
Graham Bell) 的岳父抱怨在康乃狄克州哈特福市 (Hartford) 的電信服務相當不好,不但沒有晚上服務,而且在他練習詛咒時還會定時斷線。
After some time in Nevada, where he worked as a reporter for the Virginia City newspaper Territorial Enterprise and adopted the pen name of Mark Twain, Clemens moved to San Francisco. It was there that he began to establish a nationwide reputation as a humorist. His wry sense of humor is well known and took many forms.
In 1890, he wrote a letter to Gardiner G. Hubbard, addressed to "The Father-in-law of the Telephone." In it he complained to Alexander Graham Bell's father-in-law about the poor telephone service he received in Hartford, Connecticut, objecting that there was no night service and that he was regularly cut off while practicing his cursing!
Twain is also known for his comments about life and human nature, such as this one, "To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence."
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