
一戶非裔美籍家庭站在農場一處曾經是奴隸區之前合影 (1907年喬治雅州薩瓦那)

主持拍賣會的人叫做華許先生 (Mr.
Walsh) ,他站在台上開始進行叫賣。最先賣出去的是喬治和蘇,還有他們的兩個小兒子:喬治和哈利。每一個人的價格只有600塊美金。最後,436個奴隸都被買走了,許多朋友、家人也被拆散。這些奴隸的心都碎了,因為他們知道永遠不會再見到彼此的親友了。對他們其中的許多人來說,「落淚時光」持續了一輩子之久。
On the first day of the auction, the slaves were brought to a long room called the "Grand Stand." Pierce Butler walked among his people, speaking to them and shaking the hands of his favorite servants. Fierce rains kept many of the potential buyers away and the auction began two hours late.
The auctioneer, Mr. Walsh, stood on a platform and began the sale. The first sold were George and Sue, along with their two boys, George and Harry, for $600 each. Eventually, all 436 people were purchased away from friends and family, and from the only home they had known. All of their hearts broke with the knowledge that they would never see each other again. For many of them, "The Weeping Time" would last a lifetime.
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