除了繼承兩座大農場之外,皮爾斯‧巴特勒 (Pierce
M. Butler) 還擁有許多財富。兩天之內,巴特勒將他名下的所有人力都以拍賣的方式售出,將所得款項拿來償還他的債務。這是美國有史以來最大的奴隸拍賣會,這也背後人稱之為「落淚時光」 (The
Weeping Time) 。
In spite of having inherited two plantations, Pierce M. Butler owed a great deal of money. Over two days, Butler auctioned off the human portion of his property to help pay off his debts. It was the largest sale of slaves on record in the United States, and it was referred to as "The Weeping Time."
The 436 men, women, children, and infants, all of whom had been born on his plantations, were brought to a racetrack in Savannah, Georgia, and put in the stalls used for horses. There they waited, some for days, others for weeks, for the auction to begin on March 3, 1859.
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