

賽尼卡福爾斯會議 (Seneca
Falls Convention) 的第二天
爭取女性享有平等權利的運動是一場長時間的戰爭。在「權利與感傷宣言」於1848年通過之後,美國婦女又花了72年的時間才因為美國憲法第19號修正案的通過而享有投票權。 (不過在第19號修正案於1920年通過前,某些州已經讓女性享有在州選舉與聯邦選舉投票的權利。) 之後的女性運動又有什麼進展呢?
The fight for women's equal rights was a long, hard battle. After the signing of "The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments" in 1848, it took 72 years of organized struggle before most women won the right to vote when the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in 1920. (In some states, women had the right to vote in state and federal elections before passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.) How far have women come since then?
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