

賽尼卡福爾斯會議 (Seneca
Falls Convention) 的第二天
美國婦女現在已經享有投票權,可以保有自己的財產,並且在政府部門裡擔任公職,但是這些權利並不是一直都有的。大約150年之前,婦女在很多方面都無法享有男性擁有的特權,所以她們必須爭取自己的權益。在1848年7月,一群對討論婦女在美國社會裡之地位的女性與男性在紐約召開賽尼卡福爾斯會議。會議的第二天,也就是1848年的7月20日,與會者開始討論伊利莎白‧凱蒂‧史單頓在前一天宣讀的「權利與感傷宣言」 (Declaration
of Rights and Sentiments) 。
Today, women in the United States can vote, own property, and hold political office, but it wasn't always this way. One hundred fifty years ago, women did not have the same privileges as men in many ways, and they had to fight for their rights. In July 1848, a group of women and men interested in discussing the position of women in American society met at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. On the second day of the convention, July 20, 1848, the people in attendance discussed Elizabeth Cady Stanton's "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments," which she had read the day before.
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