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Mrs. Sarah Childress Polk

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詹姆士‧波爾克 (James K. Polk) 獲選為美國第11任總統

但是波爾克卻因為忙於政治事業,而忽略了自己的身體健康。他滿懷壯志、精力充沛的就任總統,但在他53歲離開公職時卻顯得精疲力盡。就在他卸任總統之後,他回曾經擔任州長的田納西州家中。不到四個月的時間,波爾克在那什維爾的「波爾克之家」去世。後來,他的妻子莎拉‧契爾德斯‧波爾克 (Sarah Childress Polk) 在那裡獨自生活了42年之久,並招待了許多訪客。在內戰期間,莎拉曾招待過北方與南方聯盟的領導人物。「波爾克之家」變成旅遊者必經之處,即使是在血腥的那什維爾戰爭中,這個地方也被視為一個永久中立的地區,而不受戰火波及。詹姆士與莎拉‧波爾克在美國擴張領土的歷史上留下了重要的事蹟。

But Polk's considerable political accomplishments took their toll on his health. Full of enthusiasm and vigor when he entered office, Polk left the White House at the age of 53, exhausted. He died less than four months later at his new home, "Polk Place," in Nashville, Tennessee, the state he had served as governor. Polk's wife, Sarah Childress Polk, lived there another 42 years, hosting many visitors. During the Civil War, she welcomed both Union and Confederate leaders. "Polk Place" became a pilgrimage destination and was respected as neutral ground, even during the bloody Battle of Nashville. James and Sarah Polk left an important legacy to a greatly expanded United States.

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