詹姆士‧波爾克 (James
K. Polk) 獲選為美國第11任總統
當詹姆士‧波爾克接受民主黨的提名,成為總統候選人時,許多人對他還相當的陌生。反對黨「輝格」 (Whig) 就曾拿這點來作文章:「誰是詹姆士‧波爾克呀?」但是波爾克是一個經驗豐富的演說家,他賣力的參與競選,並且在1844年11月5日贏得總統選舉,讓許多人都跌破眼鏡。他被稱為是「黑馬」候選人,因為一般人都不預期他會擊敗他的對手:輝格黨的亨利‧克雷 (Henry
Clay) ,而成為美國的第11任總統。
When James K. Polk accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for the presidency, he was not very well known. The Whig opposition party played on his obscurity, sniping, "Who is James K. Polk?" An experienced speaker, Polk surprised everyone when he campaigned vigorously and won the presidency on November 5, 1844. He was called a "dark horse" candidate because he was not expected to beat his opponent, Henry Clay of the Whig Party, to become the 11th president of the United States.
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