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Indians Fishing for Salmon, Celilo Falls, Oregon
印第安人在賽理羅瀑布中釣鮭魚 (攝於19419月)

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國會建立奧勒岡 (Oregon) 領土

現在的奧勒岡州擁有許多各式各樣的地相景色,從雨林到高山,到溪谷,還有沙漠。奧勒岡州主要的工業是木材業,因為該州有一半以上的區域都被森林所覆蓋。而漁業則是奧勒岡州另一項主要的經濟來源。釣鮭魚為西北部太平洋地區 (尤其是在奇諾克地區) 的美國原住民的傳統生活方式,而現在依舊是奧勒岡州的工業之一。

Today's state of Oregon is a land of great geographic diversity, ranging from rain forests, to mountains, to valleys, and deserts. The main industry in Oregon is timber since about one-half of the state is forested. The fishing industry is another big part of the state's economy. Salmon fishing, traditional to Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest (particularly the Chinook) still remains an Oregon industry.
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