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Jump Back in Time 西部擴張與改革
Field Telegraph Station, vicinity of Charles City Court House, Wilcox's Landing, Virginia.
維吉尼亞州的一處野外電報基地台 (1864年)

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薩慕爾‧摩斯 (Samuel F.B. Morse) 發送出第一個電報訊息

「西部聯盟」 (Western Union) 1861年架設完成了第一個橫貫大陸的電報線,雖然「小馬快遞」 (Pony Express) 公司因此而倒閉,但是電報線卻在內戰期間發揮了相當大的功用。移動式的電報基地台,就像圖片中的一樣,擁有可以快速組裝纏繞的電線,可以用來連接分散各地的軍事部隊的通訊。林肯總統就是透過頻繁的快電,從喬治‧麥克萊倫 (George McClellan) 將軍處得到戰爭的最新消息。南方聯盟有一次的攻擊就因為士兵被架設在樹木之間的電纜纏住而失敗。摩斯大概從沒想過電報線路也可以當成陷阱來用。 


Western Union completed the first transcontinental telegraph line in 1861, dooming the Pony Express, but aiding forces in the Civil War. Mobile telegraph stations, like this one with hastily strung wires, connected scattered military units. President Lincoln kept up with events of the war through frequent dispatches from General George McClellan. One Confederate attack failed when soldiers became tangled up in Union telegraph wires strung from tree stump to tree stump. Morse probably never expected telegraph wires to be a booby-trap!

A generation or two ago, people would send telegrams to announce important news such as a new birth in the family. Ask your family if they have ever sent a telegram.

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