密西根州州長:史帝文斯‧湯姆森‧梅森 (Stevens
Thomson Mason)
在1835年,密西根頒佈了該地的第一部憲法,但是州的地位一直延遲到1837年才得到確立。延遲的原因是因為該地區當時和俄亥俄州發生了領土爭議,而引發「拖雷多之戰」 (Toledo
War) 。這項爭議在密西根放棄其對俄亥俄州拖雷多市的毛彌河 (Maumee
River) 入口之權力而告結束。
In 1835, the Michigan territory enacted its first constitution, but statehood was delayed until 1837. The reason for the delay was because the territory was involved in what was known as the Toledo War, a boundary dispute with Ohio. The dispute was settled when Michigan gave up its claim to the mouth of the Maumee River at Toledo, Ohio.
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