亨利‧卡波特‧洛奇 (Henry
Cabot Lodge)
「美國是世界上最好的希望,」洛奇說道。讓她捲入國際秩序中,「你將會摧毀她強大的用處,而且危及到她的生存。」因為洛奇參議員當時也是外交事務委員會的主席,他的反對使美國無法參與國際聯盟的成立。第二次世界大戰結束後,聯合國取代了國際聯盟。時代跟著改變。在1953年,洛奇的孫子小亨利‧卡波特‧洛奇 (Henry
Cabot Lodge Jr.) 成為美國駐聯合國的大使,而美國也已經涉入許多國際事務。跟你的朋友與家人談談你認為美國該在世界上扮演什麼角色。
"The United States is the world's best hope," Lodge said. Entangle her, and "you will destroy her powerful good, and endanger her very existence." Because of Senator Lodge's arguments as chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the League of Nations formed without U.S. participation. After World War II, the League of Nations was replaced by the United Nations. Times had changed. In 1953, Lodge's grandson, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., became ambassador to the U.N. and America has since intervened in many international situations. Talk with your friends and family about what you think the proper role of the U.S. should be worldwide.
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