

在1857年8月24日,俄亥俄終生保險與信託公司 (Ohio
Life Insurance and Trust Company) 在紐約的分行宣佈倒閉。很快就蔓延全美國,銀行一家接著一家倒閉。1857年的經濟大恐慌 (Panic
of 1857) 讓美國經濟快速衰退,並持續了3年之久。許多人也失去他們的工作。你知道美國歷史上另外一次財政恐慌發生在什麼時候嗎?
Adding to the troubles of the banks, the sailing ship full of gold lost its battle with the hurricane and sank to the bottom of the ocean. With their failed investments, it was impossible for the banks to gather all the gold their customers demanded.
On August 24, 1857, the New York branch of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company failed. Soon all across the nation, banks began to collapse. The Panic of 1857 led to a severe economic depression in the United States that lasted three years. Many people lost their jobs. Can you think of another time in American history when there was another financial panic?
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