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Leon Ponce

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"淘金者的一天(The Days of Forty-Nine)," 一首古老的淘金熱歌曲

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拓荒者在沙加緬度 (Sacramento) 的生活

柏克向瑪麗描述沙加緬度的成長,說那裡「除了帳棚之外,還有超過800棟的高樓」。他還說 ,加州的天氣真的很好:「今天是星期天,你那裡可能是陰沉的十一月,但是這裡卻是陽光普照,沒有冷到需要暖爐。」雖然柏克充滿抱負,但是他還是無法克制思念家鄉的情緒,他說:「我應該會在感恩節時回家。我想你應該有時間幫我作一個餡餅吧!記得要寫信告訴我你的近況,我迫不及待想要再跟全家人一起過感恩節了。」你有沒有想過你的家鄉呢?如果你是一個淘金客,你會不會和法蘭克林‧柏克有一樣的感覺?

Buck described for Mary the growing town of Sacramento City, consisting of "more than 800 framed buildings, besides the tents." The California weather, he told her, was great. "Today is Sunday. Gloomy November, probably, with you, but here the weather is splendid, not cold enough to need a fire." Despite his enthusiasm, Buck could not conceal his homesickness, and how he missed his family. "I should like to be at home on Thanksgiving Day. I suppose you have had or will have one about this time. (Bake me a turnover!) Be sure and write me all about it. I look forward with great pleasure to spending a Thanksgiving with all the family once more in my life." Have you ever felt homesick? If you were a forty-niner, would you have felt like Franklin Buck?
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CREDIT: Cowell, Sidney Robertson, photographer. "Leon Ponce, Half-Length Portrait, Photograph." 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Ponce, Leon, performer. "The Days of Forty-Nine." Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell, July 31, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.