拓荒者在沙加緬度 (Sacramento) 的生活
你有沒有想過加州在「淘金熱」時的情景是什麼樣子的呢?在1849年,當蘇特河 (Sutter』s
Creek) 發現金子的消息公佈之後,有四萬名被稱為「四十九淘金者」 (forty-niners)的人遠渡重洋到加州淘金。更有成千上萬的拓荒者跋涉到加州;這些人都被找到黃金和能夠致富的夢想所誘惑。紐約貿易商法蘭克林‧柏克 (Franklin
A. Buck) 的也是這群人中的一個,到西部尋找他的財富。當時柏克只有20歲,他辭去紐約的工作,在1849年1月搭船前往加州。在1849年的11月25日,他寫了一封信給他的姊姊瑪麗,說明他在沙加緬度這個新興都市的各種經驗。柏克在那裡開了一間雜貨店,生意就像這個新城市一樣熱絡。
Did you ever wonder what it would have been like to head for California during the Gold Rush? In 1849, after the announcement that gold was discovered in Sutter's Creek, 40,000 people, called forty-niners, traveled to California by sea. Thousands more traveled across land. They were lured by the prospect of finding gold and riches. Yankee trader Franklin A. Buck was among those who headed west to seek his fortune. Just 20 years old, Buck left his job in New York and set sail for California in January 1849. On November 25, 1849, he wrote a letter to his sister Mary about his experiences in the boomtown of Sacramento City. Buck opened a supply store there and business was booming like the town!
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