建築師賽洛斯‧愛德利茲 (Cyrus
Eidlitz) 出生
你有沒有在電視上看過新年倒數?如果有,你一定看過在紐約時代廣場 (Times
Square) 前那一大片興奮的人群,在這些人的面前就是一面有著燈光的巨大看板的大樓。那棟大樓就是由建築師賽洛斯‧愛德利茲在1904年設計的「時報大樓」 (Times
Building) 。愛德利茲於1853年7月27日生於紐約市。他的父親李奧帕‧愛德利茲 (Leopold
Eidlitz) 出生在葡萄牙,同樣也是一位建築師。老愛德利茲在19世紀後半帶領了美國歌德式建築的復興,並且設立了「美國建築師研究所」 (American
Institute of Architects) 。他的兒子也跟隨父親的腳步,走上類似的道路。
Have you ever watched the countdown to the New Year on television? If you have, you've seen huge, cheering crowds gathered in New York's Times Square, and above the crowds is a building with a giant billboard of electric lights. That building is the Times Building, designed by architect Cyrus Eidlitz in 1904. Eidlitz was born on July 27, 1853, in New York, New York. His father, Prague-born Leopold Eidlitz, was also an architect. The elder Eidlitz led the American Gothic revival of the second half of the 19th Century, and formed the American Institute of Architects. His son followed closely in his footsteps.
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