

喜劇演員約瑟夫‧傑佛遜 (Joseph
Jefferson) 出生
在1859年,傑佛遜擔綱演出作家華盛頓‧歐文 (Washington
Irving) 的作品「李伯大夢」 (Rip
Van Winkle) 一劇的主角。這個故事是描述主角李伯在長睡了20年之後醒來,卻發現美國獨立戰爭已經結束,一切景物全非。雖然這齣戲劇相當成功,但是傑佛遜認為還能夠表現得更好。他僱用了一個作家替這齣戲劇寫了另外一個版本,並且在1865年正式在倫敦連續170天登台演出。一年之後,傑佛遜回到美國。因為美國人實在是太喜歡他所扮演的「李伯」,所以傑佛遜之後也就沒有再創造其他的角色了。
In 1859, Jefferson starred in a stage production of Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle, the story of a man who falls into a magical 20-year sleep and wakes to find he has slumbered through the Revolutionary War. Although the play was fairly successful, Jefferson thought it could be better. He hired a writer to create another version of the play, and in 1865, Jefferson played Rip Van Winkle before London audiences for 170 nights in a row. One year later, Jefferson returned to the United States. Americans loved his portrayal of Rip Van Winkle so much that Jefferson never created another role for himself.
Joseph Jefferson remained one of the most popular comic actors in America through the end of the 19th century. What wonderful career do you feel destined to pursue?
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