亨利‧克雷 (Henry
Clay) 去世了
一旦德州這個蓄奴州同意加入聯邦,那麼將會破壞蓄奴州與廢奴州之間的平衡關係。 (德州最後還是在1845年後期得到許可加入聯邦。) 在1850年2月6日的著名演說當中,克雷大聲疾呼維繫聯邦共和國的重要性。克雷曾這樣禱告:「我祈求,希望上天降臨最好福祉到這片土地之上,如果聯邦瓦解的悲慘事實真的發生,那麼我將無法繼續活著承受這件令人心碎的事情。」克雷的禱詞在內戰爆發前9年應驗了,他在1852年去世。雖然克雷不能防止戰爭的爆發,你覺得亨利‧克雷是否仍然是一個偉大的談判專家呢?
Had Texas (a slave-holding state) been allowed into the Union, it would have upset the balance of slave-holding and free states. (Texas was eventually admitted into the Union in late 1845.) In his famous speech on February 6, 1850, Clay argued for the preservation of the Union. Clay prayed, "I implore, as the best blessing which Heaven can bestow upon me upon earth, that if the direful and sad event of the dissolution of the Union shall happen, I may not survive to behold the sad and heart-rending spectacle." His prayer was granted when he died in 1852, nine years before the start of the Civil War. Even though he could not prevent the war, do you think Henry Clay still deserves his reputation as a great compromiser?
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