美國雕刻家丹尼爾‧契斯特‧法蘭區 (Daniel
Chester French) 出生
即使你沒有親自到華盛頓特區的林肯紀念堂 (Lincoln
Memorial) 參觀過,你可能也看過立在紀念堂中央,亞伯拉罕‧林肯坐在椅子上的碩大雕像的照片。美國雕刻家丹尼爾‧契斯特‧法蘭區完成了這個著名的林肯雕像。於1850年4月20日出生在新罕布夏爾州的愛克斯特 (Exeter) ,法蘭區還完成了許多其他有名的巨大雕像。
Even if you have not visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., you've probably seen pictures of the colossal statue of Abraham Lincoln sitting in a chair in the center of the memorial. American sculptor Daniel Chester French created that famous statue of Lincoln. Born in Exeter, New Hampshire, on April 20, 1850, French made many other monumental statues too.
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