約翰‧布洛斯 (John
Burroughs) 出生
請仔細看看你的附近,你看到了什麼?於1837年4月3日出生在紐約羅克斯伯裡 (Roxbury) 附近的作家約翰‧布洛斯,就是以對週遭的觀察而著名。他特別喜歡描寫大自然,把自然美景寫成文字。他特別喜歡紐約北部卡茨基爾 (Catskills) 的風景,他在那裡能夠找到寧靜與啟示。當時人們都很喜歡布洛斯的作品,例如「鳥兒,詩人,與自然的情境」 (Birds
and Poets and Ways of Nature) 。
Look around you closely. What do you see? Writer John Burroughs, born on April 3, 1837, near Roxbury, New York, was famous for his observations of the world around him. He especially loved to write about nature, describing the natural beauty of places like the Catskills in upstate New York, a place he found peaceful and inspiring. People of his time loved Burroughs' writings, books like Birds and Poets and Ways of Nature.
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