建築師丹尼爾‧伯恩罕 (Daniel
H. Burnham) 出生:1846年9月4日
在羅特去世之後,伯恩罕接管了羅特擔任芝加哥1893年世界哥倫比亞博覽會 (World』s
Colombian Exposition) 首席建築師的工作。他將世界哥倫比亞博覽會,一種世界博覽會,創造為一個暫時的城市,具有寬廣道路、花枝繁茂之花園,以及古典建築外觀。美國的其他建築師在此受到了啟發,進而將這些類似的元素帶進他們自己的設計裡。
伯恩罕與另一位建築師愛德華‧班奈特 (Edward
Bennett) 也為城市真的進行規劃。1909年的芝加哥計畫,就將這個城市設計為擁有整齊公園綠地與休閒場所的城市,為都市設計建立起一套標準。在你熟悉的鄉鎮與城市裡散步,試著去發現那些帶有能激發人類血液魔力的大樓吧。
What is the tallest building that you have been in? Burnham and Root pioneered the construction methods that made modern skyscrapers possible.
After Root died, Burnham took over Root's job as chief architect of Chicago's 1893 World's Colombian Exposition, a kind of world's fair He created a temporary city with grand boulevards, lush gardens, and classical building exteriors. U.S. architects were so inspired that they incorporated similar elements into their own designs.
Burnham, along with architect Edward Bennett, also developed plans for a real city. The Plan of Chicago in 1909, with its system of parks and recreation areas, set the standard for urban design. Walk through your own town or city and find the buildings that were created with "magic to stir men's (and women's) blood."
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