雙桅帆船「美洲號」 (America) 贏得「百吉尼盃」 (Hundred
Guinea Cup) 冠軍
後來,隊員們認為這個獎盃應該被永久保存下來,做為與其他國家隊伍繼續進行友誼賽的精神象徵,所以他們決定把獎盃捐贈給「紐約快艇俱樂部」 (New
York Yacht Club) ,而這也是「美洲杯」 (America』s
Cup) 比賽的由來。
從1870年開始,一直到1980年,每一次的比賽都是由美國派出的隊伍獲勝,一共贏得了24次的冠軍 (比賽不是定期的) 。一直到1983年,才由澳洲快艇「澳洲二號」贏得冠軍。雖然美國人在1987年的比賽中贏回獎盃,但是在那之前,國外隊伍已經贏得了三次冠軍。紐西蘭則在2000年成功衛冕「美洲杯」的冠軍。你有可能成為為美國贏得「美洲杯」的未來的水手之一嗎?
The crew donated their trophy to the New York Yacht Club, under the condition that the cup "be preserved as a perpetual Challenge Cup for friendly competition between foreign countries," and the America's Cup race was born.
From 1870, the next time the race was held, until 1980, American yachts won the America's Cup race 24 times without a loss (the race is held irregularly). The Australian yacht Australia II finally took the cup when it won the race in 1983. Although Americans regained the cup in the next race (in 1987), non-American challengers have won the cup three times since 1983. New Zealand just became the first non-American club to successfully defend the Cup with its victory in America's Cup 2000. Could you be one of the future sailors to win the America's Cup for the United States?
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