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The cast of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' 1899

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連載小說形式的「黑奴籲天錄」 (Uncle Tom』s Cabin) 完成

「黑奴籲天錄」經常被改編為舞台劇,所以許多沒有讀過這本書的人,是在欣賞這齣震撼人心的舞台劇時、才知道這個故事的。雖然一開始這齣戲都是由白人演員喬裝成非裔美人演出,但是後來有一些製作人也開始用真正的非裔美人來擔任演員與歌手。到了1927年,「黑奴籲天錄」至少就已經被拍成七部不同版本的默劇。而1970年的版本則是由非裔美籍女演員厄莎凱特 (Eartha Kitt) 擔綱演出。 


Uncle Tom's Cabin was often produced as a play, so that many people who did not read the book saw it as a powerful stage drama. Although, especially at first, white actors usually played the African American parts in blackface, some productions starred African-American actors and singers. At least seven silent-film versions of Uncle Tom's Cabin had been made by 1927. The 1970 film version stars African-American actress Eartha Kitt.

The book, with its memorable characters, remains powerful today. Pick up a copy and read Uncle Tom's Cabin for yourself.

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