連載小說形式的「黑奴籲天錄」 (Uncle
Tom』s Cabin) 完成
斯托決定要寫一本關於奴隸制度的虛構小說,並且將這篇小說寄給出版反奴隸制度週刊的編輯。編輯付給斯托300塊美金的稿費,作為是出版這篇小說的版權費。在1851年的月5日,這篇小說的第一章正式付梓。在接下來的10個月裡,「黑奴籲天錄」、或稱為「低下階層的生活」 (Life
Among the Lowly) 的這本書,共分為40集出版。雖然當時報章雜誌的讀者還沒有很多,但是人們開始討論這本「黑奴籲天錄」,並且傳閱這個故事。到了1852年,一位波士頓的出版商將「黑奴籲天錄」集結成書出版,這本書也立刻成為暢銷作品。在發行的第一年裡,這本書就賣了30萬本,到了1857年,已經銷售約50萬本。幾乎所有人都看過這本書,當然也包括美國總統在內。
Stowe decided to write a fictional story about slavery and sent it to the editor of an anti-slavery weekly. He paid her $300 for the right to publish her story, and on June 5, 1851, the first chapter appeared in print. Over the next 10 months, Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, was published in 40 installments. Even though the paper had not been tremendously popular, people started to discuss Uncle Tom's Cabin and pass around the story. In 1852, a Boston publisher issued Uncle Tom's Cabin as a book. It became an instant bestseller. Three hundred thousand copies were sold the first year, and a half-million copies by 1857. Before long it seemed that everyone had read it, including the president of the United States!
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