李曼‧法蘭克‧包姆 (Lyman
Frank Baum) 出生
這本書改編而成的電影在1939年上映,由茱蒂‧格蘭 (Judy
Garland) 飾演來自堪薩斯州的小女孩桃樂斯 (Dorothy) ,電影訴說著小女孩沿著一條黃磚路所發生的各項冒險事蹟。這個故事到現在還是深受全世界的喜愛,同時也翻譯成許多不同的語言。你看過這部電影幾次呢?你看過這本書嗎?
The film version of the book was made in 1939 with Judy Garland as Dorothy, the girl from Kansas who has a wild adventure along a yellow brick road. The story is still loved all over the world and has been translated into many languages. How many times have you seen the movie? Have you read the book?
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