李曼‧法蘭克‧包姆 (Lyman
Frank Baum) 生於1856年5月15日
你如何第一次聽說有關膽小獅子、沒有腦袋的稻草人,以及鐵人的故事?如果你的答案是電影「綠野仙蹤」 (The
Wizard of Oz) ,恭喜,你答對了。但是你知道這部電影原來是根據小說改編的嗎?
How did you first learn about the story of a cowardly lion, a scarecrow without a brain and a tin man without a heart? If your answer is the movie "The Wizard of Oz," you'd be right. But did you know there was a book before there was a movie?
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