全國勞工聯盟 (National
Labor Union) 於1866年8月20日要求一天只工作八小時
在1870年代與1880年代初期,一群叫做「勞工武士」 (Knights
of Labor) 在改革勞工法的努力上就比較成功。西元1886年,勞工武士的成員已經包括了70萬名勞工、商店老闆,以及農夫等。這個組織不鼓勵罷工,而是透過推廣改變社會的方式來達到目的。
但是在1866年時,鐵路工人做出一連串的暴力罷工事件,嚴重損壞的組織的名聲。到了五月,罷工工人與破壞罷工的人在伊利諾州乾草市的豐收機器公司展開爭鬥,警察於是介入排解。這兩個組織的成員遭到警方開槍射擊,七名警察因為一場爆炸而死亡。這場衝突成為著名的「乾草市暴亂」 (Haymarket
Riot) 。
In the 1870s and early 1880s, a group called the Knights of Labor was more successful with its efforts to reform labor laws. In 1886, the Knights of Labor included 700,000 laborers, shopkeepers, and farmers. The union discouraged strikes and instead promoted changing society.
But in 1886, a series of violent strikes waged by railroad workers hurt the union's reputation. In May, police were called in when fighting broke out between striking workers and strikebreakers at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company in Haymarket, Illinois. Two union men were shot by police, and an explosion killed seven policemen. The outbreak became known as the Haymarket Riot.
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