

另外還有一群人努力想要以第14項修正案達到更多的理想。婦女想要藉由這項修正案爭取投票權,而非裔美人也想要利用這項修正案,爭取自己的權益。在1896年5月18日,最高法院審理「培勒西對佛古森」 (Plessy
v. Ferguson) 一案,最後法官認為「隔離但不平等」的措施符合第14項修正案的規定,後來,一直要到1954年5月17日,最高法院才推翻過去的判決,正式終止了這種由政府發動的隔離政策。
Other groups tried to use the 14th Amendment to further their causes. Women attempted to use it to proclaim their right to vote, and African Americans tried to use it as well. On May 18, 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson that "separate but equal" facilities were considered sufficient to satisfy the 14th Amendment. It wasn't until May 17, 1954, however, that the Court reversed the Plessy decision, bringing the era of government-sanctioned segregation to an end.
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