第一個正式的陣亡將士紀念日 (Memorial
Day) :1868年5月30日
南方婦女在內戰結束之前就已經有在士兵墳墓上擺放裝飾品的習慣。在戰爭結束之後,一個在密西西比州哥倫比亞市的婦女紀念組織在1866年時,在南方聯盟與聯邦軍的墳墓上擺放花朵,這種大方的行為也讓詩人法蘭西斯‧米爾斯‧芬區 (Francis
Miles Finch) 寫下「藍色與灰色」 (The
Blue and the Grey) 這首詩,並發表在「大西洋月刊」 (Atlantic
Monthly) 之上。1971年通過的聯邦法律將這個紀念日的日期改為五月的最後一個星期一,並且把紀念的對象擴大為因為所有美國戰爭而死亡的士兵。人們不但以花朵向這些士兵致敬,同時也發表演說與舉辦遊行。你在陣亡將士紀念日時都紀念哪些人呢?
Southern women decorated the graves of soldiers even before the end of the Civil War. After the war, a women's memorial association in Columbus, Mississippi, put flowers on the graves of both Confederate and Union soldiers in 1866, an act of generosity that inspired the poem by Francis Miles Finch, "The Blue and the Grey," published in the Atlantic Monthly. In 1971, federal law changed the observance of the holiday to the last Monday in May and extended it to honor all those who died in American wars. People pay tribute not only with flowers but also with speeches and parades. Whom do you honor on Memorial Day?
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