

詹姆士‧魏爾頓‧強森 (James
Weldon Johnson) 出生於1871年6月17日
西元1920年,強森擔任全國有色人種權益促進會 (National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People,NAACP) 的秘書長。透過這個組織,強森能夠幫助其他非裔美人得到更多工作機會。後來強森又因為協助編撰非裔美人文學編撰而廣為人知,這份工作讓新一代的創作者擁有更多啟發、得到更多鼓勵,並且有相同的認同感,因此才會在1920與1930年代創造出「哈林復興運動」 (Harlem
Renaissance) 。強森的確「繼續前進,直到獲得勝利」。
In 1920, Johnson became the secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Through the NAACP, he was able to further the opportunities and careers of other African Americans. Throughout his life, Johnson wrote poetry, for which he is best known. He is also well known for his anthologies of African American poetry, which provided inspiration, encouragement, and recognition to the new generation of artists who would create the "Harlem Renaissance" of the 1920s and 1930s. Johnson did indeed "march on till victory [was] won!"
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