

許多中西部的城鎮因為都被林木包圍,所以也遭到大火焚燬。在幾個小時之內,許多城鎮,包括佩需提哥 (Peshtigo) 、荷蘭 (Holland) 、馬妮斯提 (Manistee) ,以及呼隆港 (Port
Huron) 等,都被燒成灰燼。至少有1200人死於這場大火。而有將近一半的死者是威斯康辛州佩需提哥鎮的居民。就在同一晚,伊利諾州的大城芝加哥也發生了一場大火。
A deadly fire spread that night through the states of Michigan and Wisconsin. Vast tracts of forest burned for a week. When the wind increased and shifted direction, fire fighters were unable to control the flames any longer.
Many of the towns in the Midwest were built from the surrounding woods. Within hours, several cities and towns, including Peshtigo, Holland, Manistee and Port Huron burned to the ground. At least 1,200 people died as a result of the fire. Nearly half the fatalities occurred in Peshtigo, Wisconsin. That same night, the Great Chicago Fire erupted in nearby Illinois.
What are some precautions you have been taught that prevent fires?
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