保羅‧勞倫斯‧鄧巴 (Paul
Laurence Dunbar) 於1872年6月27日出生
你有沒有試著寫歌呢?在1902年時,布克爾‧華盛頓 (Booker
T. Washington) 委託鄧巴幫「塔司奇蹟研究所」 (Tuskegee
Institution) 寫校歌。然而,華盛頓並不滿意鄧巴的作品。鄧巴回信給華盛頓,並在信中辯護他的作品。
After two more of Dunbar's books were published, his poetry became very popular. Dunbar read his poems to audiences in the United States and in England. When he returned from England, Dunbar took a job as an assistant librarian at the Library of Congress.
Have you ever tried to write a song? In 1902, Booker T. Washington commissioned Dunbar to write the school song for the Tuskegee Institute. However, Washington was not pleased with Dunbar's "Tuskegee Song." Dunbar wrote back to Washington this letter to defend his work.
Dunbar published 22 books and many poems before his death in 1906. He was just 33 years old when he died. What would you like to write a story or poem about?
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