保羅‧勞倫斯‧鄧巴 (Paul
Laurence Dunbar) 於1872年6月27日出生
你喜歡寫故事或是寫詩呢?如果你喜歡寫作,你就和保羅‧勞倫斯‧鄧巴有共同的特質了。鄧巴於1872年6月27日出生在俄亥俄州的達頓市 (Dayton) ,他是一個奴隸的小孩。鄧巴長大後成為一個國際知名的詩人、短篇小說作家、小說家、劇作家,以及歌詞創作者。在世紀交替的時候,鄧巴已經是全美國最有名的黑人作家了。
We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes Paul Laurence Dunbar
Do you like writing stories or poetry? If you enjoy writing at all, you and Paul Laurence Dunbar have something in common. Dunbar was born on June 27, 1872, in Dayton, Ohio, and was the child of former slaves. He grew up to be an internationally acclaimed poet, short story writer, novelist, dramatist, and lyricist. By the turn of the century, Dunbar was the most famous black writer in America.
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