你可能會看到許多精壯的純種馬—有阿拉伯種馬與歐洲母馬等。你還可以看到15位騎士,其中有14位,也包括奧力佛‧路易斯在內,都是非裔美人。你更可以看到許多歡呼的觀眾緊張的坐在沿著1874年由馬力威瑟‧路易士 (Mariwether
Lewis) 與克拉克 (Clark) 興建之火車軌道旁的露天看台上之上。
You might have seen well-groomed Thoroughbreds--a cross between Arabian stallions and European mares--along with 15 fine jockeys, 14 of whom, including Oliver Lewis, were African American. You also would have seen cheering crowds sitting anxiously in the bleachers around the track built in 1874 by Meriweather Lewis Clark.
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