你能想像這場大火是一頭母牛造成的嗎?沒有人知道這場大火是怎麼發生的,但是有人親眼看到火苗是從歐立瑞 (O』Leary) 夫婦的牛捨中竄出來的。傳聞是歐立瑞夫婦的母牛踢翻了油燈,引燃了牛捨中的稻草,現在這個傳聞已經成了傳說。歐立瑞太太的母牛可能是美國歷史上最聲名狼籍的母牛了!
Can you imagine how a cow could set such a huge fire? No one is sure how the Chicago blaze began, but one eyewitness saw the first flames leaping out of Mr. And Mrs. O'Leary's barn. Rumor, and now legend, has it that their cow kicked over an oil lamp, setting straw on fire. Mrs. O'Leary's cow may well be the most infamous cow in American history!
Firefighters brought the fire under control the next day, on October 9, 1871, but only with the help of a rainstorm. It had been unusually warm and dry that year, and the city's wood buildings burned like matches until finally the rain came down.
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