穿上羊毛絨的泳裝,或者跳上旋轉椅,讓我們到紐澤西州的亞特蘭大市去 (1800年代) 。
在強納森‧比特尼 (Jonathan Pitney) 博士的建議下,紐澤西海灘成為一個健康的度假勝地,而亞特蘭大市也跟著興盛起來。亞特蘭大市從1850年開始開發,因為擁有漂亮的海灘以及豪華的飯店,是夏天度假勝地,也是冬天泡溫泉的好去處,很快就大受歡迎。
Pull on a wool flannel bathing suit or hop on a rolling chair, it's time to go to Atlantic City, New Jersey, in the 1800s.
Atlantic City grew from Dr. Jonathan Pitney's idea to make the New Jersey shore into a health resort. Development began in 1850. Atlantic City, with its beautiful beaches and luxurious hotels, soon became a popular summer resort and winter health spa.
What kind of suit would you wear to the beach in the late 1800s? Women beach goers at that time wore bathing dresses of wool flannel with stockings, canvas shoes, and large straw hats. Censors roamed the beach looking for bathers who showed too much flesh.
What could you do in Atlantic City after your day at the beach?
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