你怎麼評斷一個州的價值?在1867年3月30日,國務卿威廉‧西華 (William
H. Seward) 同意從蘇聯手中以7百萬美金的代價買下阿拉斯加地區。你是否覺得用來購買這片沒經過探索的土地的代價太過於昂貴了呢?在那個時候,有人批評西華瘋了,並稱這個為「西華的蠢事」。因為以這麼高的代價買下這個「西華的冰櫃」,以及安德魯‧詹森的「北極熊的花園」,西華遭到各界的嘲笑。
How much do you think a state is worth? On March 30, 1867, Secretary of State William H. Seward agreed to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7 million. Do you think this was too much to pay for a piece of land that was mostly unexplored? At the time, critics thought Seward was crazy and called the deal "Seward's folly." Seward was laughed at for his willingness to spend so much on "Seward's icebox" and Andrew Johnson's "polar bear garden."
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