劇作家索爾頓‧懷爾德 (Thornton
Wilder) 出生
懷爾德的作品是用放大鏡來檢視人類。在他得到普利茲劇作獎的作品「九死一生」 (The
Skin of Our Teeth,1943) 中,懷爾德檢視了戰爭、疾病、貧窮,以及因大火造成的毀壞等等。他的另一部得獎劇作「我們的小鎮」 (Our
Town,1937) ,是以新罕布夏爾州一個虛構的小鎮葛洛佛科那 (Grover
Corner) 為背景,可能就和照片中的這個地方有點相像。這齣劇作同樣也是關注人類共通的經驗之上。你覺得哪些經驗是人類都共同曾擁有過的呢?問問你的家人看他們有沒有看過懷爾德的劇作,或讀過懷爾德的小說。
Wilder's writing puts humankind under a magnifying glass. In his Pulitzer Prize-winning play The Skin of Our Teeth (1943), he looks at war, disease, poverty, and the destruction caused by fire. His other prize-winning play, Our Town (1937), takes place in a fictional town called Grover's Corner, New Hampshire, perhaps much like the town in this photograph. The play again focuses on the universality of human experience. What human experiences can you think of that are universal? Ask your family if they have ever seen a play or read a novel by Thornton Wilder.