--政府於1779年時向每一州收取一千五百萬稅收,而且逐年增加。政府在內戰期間第一次徵收所得稅,但是那只是暫時性的措施。葛洛佛‧克裡夫蘭 (Grove
Cleveland) 總統在1894年時,試著要建立起每年徵收所得稅的規定,但是最高法院卻認為這項規定是違憲的。對那些支持開徵所得稅的人來說,只有透過修憲才能解決這個問題,而美國政府也在1913年進行修憲。從那時候開始,政府就能夠合法向人民徵收所得稅了。
When the country was young, it struggled to raise funds from the 13 original states--$15 million from each state in 1779 and more in following years. The government collected the first income tax during the Civil War, but only temporarily. President Grover Cleveland tried to start up regular yearly income taxes in 1894, but the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. For supporters of the income tax, that meant amending the Constitution, which the government finally did in 1913 with the 16th Amendment. From that point on, Congress could legally collect taxes on incomes.
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