
李鴻章,被認為是中國最偉大的外交官 (攝於1900年)

「雜碎」 (Chop
Suey) 被發明,是事實還是謊言?
你有沒有吃過雜碎?這個中式美國食物的由來到現在還是個謎。據說中國大使李鴻章 (Li
Hung Chang) 到紐約市訪問時,他的廚師在1896年8月29日做了這道菜招待李鴻章的美國客人。這道菜包括有芹菜、豆芽菜,以及肉類,用可口的醬汁一起烹調,這道菜很合中國人與美國人的口味。這位中國外交官試著要和美國建立良好的關係。你知道有一句諺語說:「要得到一個人的心,就要先得到他的胃。」不過這個傳說是真的嗎?
Have you ever eaten chop suey? The origin of this Chinese-American dish is a bit of a mystery. Legend has it that, while he was visiting New York City, Chinese ambassador Li Hung Chang's cooks invented the dish for his American guests at a dinner on August 29, 1896. Composed of celery, bean sprouts, and meat in a tasty sauce, the dish was supposedly created to satisfy both Chinese and American tastes. The Chinese diplomat was trying to create good relations with the U.S. And you know the old saying, "The way to a person's heart is through his or her stomach!" But is this legend true?
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