美國在波多黎各 (Puerto
Rico) 升起國旗
加勒比印第安人 (Carib
Indian) 時常侵襲波多黎各,後來法國、英國,以及荷蘭的海盜也不斷襲擊這個地區。西元1533年,西班牙開始建設艾摩廬堡壘 (El
Morro Fortress) ,這是一個圍牆高聳的城堡,負責保護聖胡安 (San
Juan) 港的窄小入口。1830年之後,糖、咖啡,以及煙草的種植在這個殖民地上越來越茂盛。這個島嶼的人口從1765年的4萬5千人,到1800年已經增加至155,426人,但是其中有1萬3千人是奴隸。到了1900年,已經有將近一百萬人居住在波多黎各這個只有3435平方英里的土地上了。
Carib Indians frequently raided Puerto Rico; later, French, British, and Dutch pirates did the same. In 1533, the Spanish began construction of El Morro, a walled fort that would protect the narrow entrance to the harbor of San Juan. After 1830, sugar, coffee, and tobacco plantations flourished in the colony. The island's population jumped from just 45,000 in 1765 to 155,426 in 1800; some 13,000 of these people were slaves. By 1900, nearly a million people lived on the 3,435 square miles of Puerto Rico.